Funding campaign successfully completed: the next steps
Haveno Core Team | 12 Apr 2022
Hello everyone! We are very happy to announce that our Monero CCS proposal for raising the money to build the user interface of Haveno is completely funded. We couldn’t be more thankful to the community for the overwhelming support and for the 179 donations that made possible to rise the amount of 755 XMR in only 4 days!
As soon as the CCS got funded we got things in motion. We already had a meeting with the UI team to kickstart things and we had another meeting between designer, UI team and HCT yesterday. We also already created the repository that will host the user interface:
We received the first milestone of our CCS (151 XMR). The way we use these funds will be tracked on a dedicated file on the haveno-meta repository: We suggest to ‘watch’ the repository, as it will make easier to keep track of changes to the file.
Stay updated and contribute to the development of the user interface! The team will be available for interacting with the community on our development room on matrix: (#haveno-development on IRC/Libera).
If you have questions or you would simply like to help us make Haveno real, come join us!
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